Sunday 15 December 2013

Skyteam Ace 125

My last bike had burst into flames under me on a cold rainy night in the middle of nowhere. It was a rubbish bike and things seemed to be constantly falling off of it, but it was my bike! Life just doesn't seem quite as good when you’re not on your motorbike. So after several months of mopping around, driving my car to and from work, I decided I needed a new bike. Preferably something; new (so that it’s reliable); cheap (because I’m a broke student); and really really awesome.

Meet the made in china, some assembly required, dream machine!

I was really sceptical about this bike before I bought it but I figured that for the price it was probably worth the gamble even if it only lasted through the one year factory warranty period. You can buy these things ready to rocket for a cool $2500 but I thought I would save my hard earned cash and get it shipped to Brisbane, some assembly required, for a measly $1800.

Two weeks later I got the call that it was ready to be picked up from the Brisbane depot, which was actually closer to Ipswich. I called my mate straight away and told him to bring his Ute. After picking it up I couldn’t wait to get it put together and assembled it in the back of his tray, which by the way was an awful idea. After assembly I rode it to the closest mechanic, picked up my roadworthy and was on my way to the transport office. All in all, with six months registration the pretty little lady only cost me $2000. Pretty great bargain!
Riding this thing is just the best fun, not to say it doesn’t have its flaws; the suspension is too soft both front and rear; it’s a little bit on the short side; the horn sounds ridiculous; and there is almost no power to speak of, but you really can’t help but love it. The bike gets looks and questions absolutely everywhere it goes; the fuel consumption is absolutely minuscule; the tune-up potential and customisation is amazing and ridiculously cheap. I have picked up the top speed on my bike from 70kmh/ to a comfortable 100km/h. There is just not enough I can say about how easy and fun to ride these things are. Highly recommend them to anyone looking for an entry level bike or even an experienced rider who just wants something to throw around on the commute to work without struggling to keep in the speed limit.

If anyone has any questions about where to get these or how to modify them, for performance or looks, please don’t hesitate to send me an email. (  

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